@caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul That's because there is only one true law and you don't need a state to enforce it.
The NAP is a globalist scheme to convince Christian-coded societies to not resist their fake and gay procedural coup because no matter how corrupt it is, it’s not technically “violence“.
By the time you properly define “aggression” to counteract the corruption, you get to shoot people for taking the last chip at your table in a Chili’s.
@Xenophon @leyonhjelm @caekislove @branman65 @Godcast @jetzkrieg @RealRaul I don't plan to do it in America. I plan to do it out in the ocean via seasteading.
And if you want a heterogeneous population, look up Hans Herman Hoppe and physical removal.
Once you realize that all politicians and political parties are just puppets of the shadow government and that voting will never fix anything, you will realize that anarchism is the only solution.
@Christmas_Man @leyonhjelm @caekislove @Xenophon @Godcast @RealRaul @branman65 @jetzkrieg Because of that Ocean Builders is building floating homes off the coast of Panama who is okay with it.
Translation: They are not currently inconvenient
@Christmas_Man @caekislove @Xenophon @Godcast @RealRaul @branman65 @jetzkrieg