@xianc78 art style > graphical improvements. Team Fortress 2 still looks good. Chrono Trigger still looks good.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad The point is that you don't need raytracing to simulate realistic reflections.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @xianc78 Dreamcast was great IMO. Maybe it was a Sega thing but having so many arcade style graphics and games on whatever engine they used was 🔥.

@LurkPerry @BowsacNoodle @noyoushutthefuckupdad I wish Sega open-sourced their Dreamcast after discontinuing it. Atari did that with the Jaguar. Even though the Dreamcast has an active homebrew community, they are limited on what they can do because they have to rely on CDs using the MIL-CD exploit, as opposed to the GD-ROMs that official games use.

@xianc78 @LurkPerry @noyoushutthefuckupdad Didn't Dreamcast allow you to burn a boot disc for playing pirated games?
@WeissenSocken88 @BowsacNoodle @xianc78 @LurkPerry @noyoushutthefuckupdad i had a friend that worked at circuit city in high school and for 50 bucks he get me 3 games. IDK how he did it he was a smart lad.
@BowsacNoodle @WeissenSocken88 @xianc78 @LurkPerry @noyoushutthefuckupdad Lol turns out someone else was doing it at the store and he got caught. so my friend did that for a year and half scot free.
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @xianc78 @BowsacNoodle @LurkPerry @WeissenSocken88 I pirated a lot of music starting with Napster. at the time I had a relative who said he and I should go into the business of selling copied CDs out of a car trunk for 5 bucks each. he was also a meth lab-owning shithead who was always in and out of jail, so I made the right decision to not join forces with him.

I have never charged money for pirated media. I'm Robin Hood, nigga.

@noyoushutthefuckupdad @BowsacNoodle @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @LurkPerry @WeissenSocken88 You should've done it on your own. One of my biggest regrets was not making a business selling copied music CDs and DVDs that I borrow from the library.

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@xianc78 @BowsacNoodle @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @LurkPerry @WeissenSocken88 naw, I like being generous better. I don't pay for my entertainment, so I don't charge for it, either.
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