
Reminder that your average deodorant is filled with cancer and Alzheimer's causing chemicals, and even chemicals that can weaken your immune system.

Use only natural deodorant or create your own by mixing baking soda with water until it's a paste that you can spread in your underarms. You can add essential oil if you want it to be scented.

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Not to be a jerk about this, but without antiperspirant alternatives, I CAN'T stop.

Alone, deodorant isn't a solution for some (myself especially). There needs to be mitigations in place. $300 every 2 months for Botox ain't gonna cut it.

@souldessin I'm a huge sweater too. Every shirt I wear is guaranteed to have sweat rings at the end of the day, but somehow I don't have a problem with this when I just use baking soda. I can't tell you why though.

Baking soda is pretty aggressive for skin, it could hurt. May I suggest seeking something around diatomaceous earth or arrow powder or such.
Once I mixed baby powder with a body lotion, bit of soda and essential oil. Until it made paste. It worked perfectly.
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