
Which tax is the most evil?

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It seems like nobody cares about sales tax.

@xianc78 I say property taxes because they're based on whatever number the government makes up for your house, which may or may not be based on actual price data. The other taxes are percentages of actual income, sales, etc but property tax gives the government in principle to tax you out of your home on a whim by virtue of high property valuations, while the other taxes at least in theory are defined by established rules and laws based on measurable monetary transactions.
@ArdainianRight @xianc78 We say the same thing about the pink tax but you ignore us on that.

@hachi @ArdainianRight The so called "pink tax" is not a tax, and even if it is, it affects men more than women because women never buy anything with their own money.

@ArdainianRight @hachi Feminists always use razors as an example, but female razors are meant to be bigger because women shave in larger areas.

@ArdainianRight @xianc78 Maybe it's because of the pink tax. Don't you ever think?
@hachi @xianc78 Nobody cares. If they can get guy razors of the same quality for cheaper then they can just do that.
@hachi @xianc78
:pepe_laugh: Imagine still believing in the wage gap in the year of Our Lord 2023. Your fake and gay feminist talking points expired a decade ago.
@ArdainianRight @hachi @xianc78 when even an devout socialist e-thot like shoe0nhead can debunk that talking point in 20 seconds, you know it's bullshit.
@xianc78 Death Tax because it hurts the a family that just lost a loved one. It is like kicking in the head someone that's already on the floor.
@TheMadPirate @xianc78 "Inheritance" tax is meant to kick down middle class families that knock on the door of wealth. Wealthy families rarely pay it. It is easy to dodge if you plan for it. Whole life insurance is a common way to dodge it. Life insurance proceeds aren't taxed, so you just put all your assets in a whole life insurance policy, and they pass untaxed to your heirs.

Income tax is also really bad because it skews incentives. Work hard, earn more, but really earn less because your tax rate just went up.

@TheMadPirate @xianc78
I've had this discussion with my family. My grandmother needs to own nothing. She should have started transferring her wealth to the family members to lessen the blow.

@xianc78 definitely inheritance tax. If I die I want to give all of my money (that has already been taxed!) to my kids, not the fucking government. The government literally benefits off of someone's death in that case.

Gift tax is also fucking retarded. I'd say any tax that taxes your money twice is gay as hell. Why do I have to pay taxes on my income and then still have to pay taxes for everything else with the rest of the money I have?

@beardalaxy @xianc78 because you didnt' kill them the last time they raised taxes
@xianc78 Picked Income because "All of the Above," was not an option. :gadsden_flag:

@Indigo There all bad, but some are worse than others.

@Indigo I agree with Milton Friedman in that the LVT is probably the least bad tax, but of course, all taxation is theft. Inheritance is probably the worse because the government is literally cashing in on your relative's death.

@xianc78 I would largely agree with that in principle, however I find that income is the one that effects us the most on a pragmatic day-to-day level, and is ultimately the one that will end up sapping the most of money long-term.

@xianc78 taxes as a whole are evil, but there are two that stick out most to me and it’s income tax and property tax, I worked for it so it’s mine, and if I buy property with it rather it be land, cars or any other form of property it’s mine I worked for it and already paid the price for it. Shouldn’t have recurring payments on something I already bought outright.

@bronze There's a reason why I didn't include that. Everyone would pick that.

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