tfw I want to do real gamedev I'll have to use the crab language or something similarly cumbersome 🥀
@nyoom C++ tbh, I doubt most studios even let you touch crablang
@Moon @nyoom for substrate probably c still sad as it is to say
@Moon @nyoom that being said you can carefully minimize it and keep it to the portions that are truly performance critical and do everything else in even interpreted puc-rio lua for most genres
@allison @nyoom @Moon was about to write this, the core engine itself is probably gonna be C, C++, Rust, or some other language that optimises well but the game logic should be something easier to write, i've seen lua, python, lisp, javascript, bespoke unreadable thing that was probably originally something declarative (paradox games)
@Ukko @nyoom @allison I suppose python would be fine if it's not like, an action game
@Moon @Ukko @nyoom python has really only done well for visual novels tbh
@xianc78 @nyoom @Ukko @Moon So I've heard, but I'd be very hard pressed to name any commercial game written primarily in Python that isn't a visual novel.
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