
Had to shelve the platformer project because of poor planning and feature creep. I decided to work on an action dungeon crawler. Right now, you can only move your character and thrust your sword, but I plan on including randomly generated levels.

I'm more experienced with top-down games, so this might be easier.


Created solid tiles, a couple of enemies, knockback, and the sword. I also divided the screen. There will be a hud on top, but right now, it is blank.


I got a random dungeon generation algorithm implemented. It is the same one from this post (, but written in C++ instead of Java. It's pretty basic at the moment. I plan on having each room randomly pick a design from a template.


Here is a second dungeon, in case you don't believe me.

@xianc78 what kind of gameplay loop are you planning on making with the dungeon formula?


@Mr_NutterButter It's basically the same dungeon crawler gameplay loop. Explore each floor, fight enemies, collect items, and find the exit to the next floor. Each floor will have a shop somewhere to buy items. Occasionally, there will be a boss fight.

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@xianc78 it's interesting it'd be funny if you made it to where shopkeepers can randomly attack you as an actual enemy just to fucj with people. XD

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