I'm a little late to this, but I feel the need to mention it because I feel like these people are just going to move to Telegram, if they already haven't.

Telegram is NOT a better alternative to Discord. It asks for your phone number (huge red flag), lies about being end-to-end encrypted (encryption is done server-side), is centralized, and not entirely FOSS (server-side software is closed source). Look into decentralized/self-hosted solutions instead.

I personally recommend hosting an XMPP server. Install an XMPP server stack that supports multi-user-chats and host your discussions there. With XMPP, you can sign up for an account on any server and talk to anyone, including people from other servers. There are even modernized web-clients like Movim which make it more user friendly.

For private/direct messages, you can also end-to-end encrypt them using OMEMO. Just don't use them for public MUCs or you will end up having problems. You really don't need to encrypt a public chat anyway.

If you need help running an XMPP server, Mental Outlaw made a video on it.


Really, even an IRC channel or an AJAX webchat/shoutbox is better than Discord or Telegram.

@xianc78 There is one aspect in which Telegram is better than Discord, which is that the flagship client is GPLv3, feature complete, and well supported (at nearly complete feature parity) on every desktop operating system I actively use save ancient relics and 9front. However, in general, it's still not a great idea to entrust all of your social connections to Telegram and I recommend using free alternatives if and whenever possible.
@allison @xianc78 discord kind of sucks and I wish it was just a prettier IRC
telegram is for eastern europeans

@SAKURARadiochan @allison Telegram is for tech-illiterate right-wingers who only feel for it because their favorite podcaster uses it.

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@xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan I use it for pretty much the reasons I mentioned upthread + stickers + a lot of my friends are there (I'm not a far right ideologue I swear)
@SAKURARadiochan @xianc78 Nope, Portland Oregon. If it was 10 years later I probably would have ended up as some Antifa type.
@SAKURARadiochan @xianc78 (that being said, I live in Detroit Metro now which can sometimes be mistaken as Eastern Europe by the untrained eye)
@allison @xianc78 in the right areas yes
in other areas it looks like gaza city before the war broke out
in other areas it looks like gaza city today
in my case i have friends and my mom on telegram. It's just such a nice chat platform that nothing comes close
@mischievoustomato @dcc @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan I only use it on my phone because I absolutely can't stand any of the desktop clients (at least the ones that support OMEMO)
@allison @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan @mischievoustomato gamji or dino works. I do with the web clients keept you loged in though (i might be doing something wrong)
@dcc @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan @mischievoustomato gajim has always run into massive problems for me (peg 100% cpu and minute long message load times on a i7-8700k) and dino is trash gnomeware, the other options are (for the most part) not even worth considering at this point
@allison @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan @mischievoustomato >massive problems for me
Sounds like you either doing something very wrong, or you are doing something wrong :anustart:
@mischievoustomato @dcc @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan yeah dino is probably the best non-mobile option rn which is genuinely sad to think about
@allison @dcc @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan @mischievoustomato Dino leaks memory like a broken bucket though, Gajim is more usable IMO. No desktop client beats Conversations on android though, if only it would be willing to give up on talking to some MUC members if it can't get their keys...
@affine @dcc @xianc78 @SAKURARadiochan @mischievoustomato Yeah if they fixed that one thing and made a desktop port, there would finally be an XMPP client I would unreservedly recommend. Java runtime is a small price to pay....
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