It is morally okay to slaughter dogs for meat or leather. Non-human animals have no rights whatsoever. The whole "dogs are smart" argument is bullshit. Especially when you take into account that pigs are smarter than dogs yet nobody, except for vegetarians and vegans bats an eye when they are used for meat consumption. Also pigs are sometimes used as pets and pet pig owners literally don't care that other pigs are being eaten.


I didn't mention it earlier, but it is also morally okay to slaughter cats for meat and leather too. Kill any non-humans animals as you like.

In fact, I think the best way to solve the stray pet problem is to just convert them to meat and leather. It will keep our streets safe while boosting the economy!

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@xianc78 brilliant idea, as if people never fucked up the ecosystem by eradicating a particular animal only for birds or vermin then to consume everything and then some more because their natural predators disappeared

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