
You'd expect that most FOSS drama would be about projects getting bought out by not-so-good companies, the PM adding malicious features and not backing down on it, or choosing to use a bad dependency, but no. It's always about pronouns, "casual ableist language", or the project accepting crypto donations.

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@xianc78 This is deliberate and was done over the course of at least a decade.
@n3f_X @xianc78 "Oy vey there's nothing antisemitic about protesting israel's policies goyim. Now integrate my fedora codebase into your system."

@xianc78 OR this is part of the plan. look at the amount of microsoft (red hat is supposedly a MS front now) people involved in "modern" linux desktop. hell, poettering is with microsoft now. probably was all the time.

@xianc78 emulator devs are probably the worst with this kind of stuff

@beardalaxy @xianc78 this is why you tell people to eat soap. but then you end up like the hyprland guy
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