
Someone showed me the ad for Scotland's new(-ish) anti-hate speech law.

Can someone please tell me of a single disabled person who actively gets harassed and bullied by grown adults? Maybe the mentally disabled, but that's only because they make fools out of themselves. This commercial makes zero sense.

It’s a simple design to limit your ability to speak and to arrest you for wrongthink.
@xianc78 Don't make assumptions like this. You have absolutely no say in what people with disabilities go through. And you claiming that neurodivergent people are "fools" shows that these laws are necessary. I'm pretty sure @ArdainianRight can agree with me on this and call you out for your bigotry.
@hachi @xianc78
Nah, as a grown adult if someone wants to talk shit just tell them to fuck off. Only women and queers cry to the government about "hate speech."

@ArdainianRight @hachi He is really treating you like his autistic shield.

@xianc78 @hachi
Yeah. It's lame-ass bait and I really shouldn't even respond.

@hachi @ArdainianRight @xianc78

Do you seriously want to use this argument?
Do you REALLY want to tell me, that I have to choose between leting cripples live, and living in a free society?

Ok... Weird choice, but I can do that.

@LukeAlmighty @ArdainianRight @xianc78 Thanks for proving that #LibertariansAreNazis. I bet you just want to kill them for extra parking spaces.
@xianc78 Just generalized "dont be mean to people" message. To make you feel like an all around jerk if you ever say something mean, even to groups who well deserve it

@BigDawg869789 @xianc78
This advert said the exact oposite though.

It said: Cyberbullying works. If you ever feel worthless, try sending a few mean posts. It will show you that you do in fact have the ability to change the world.

Now, don't ask me why this is the kind of message globalists want out there, but I doubt anyone was retarded enough to not see, that this is the message of this ad.

You know, I might take this 0,1% seriously, if they cared about autists living through mandatory hell for 9 years, but suuuuure.

Also, let's be honest. Is this video supposed to make cyber-harasement look breathtakingly cool? Seriously, I thought, that not making a crime look cool is kinda the point of these adverts.

Lefties not making the bad guy look cool chalange. Level: IRL Bloodborne.

@xianc78 > Can someone please tell me of a single disabled person who actively gets harassed and bullied by grown adults?
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