
Can someone PLEASE tell me how the ceiling lights in cars are distracting to drivers? I'm pretty sure anyone who grew up before the Nintendo DS or GBA SP remembers late-night roadtrips and wanting to play their handheld consoles. So they reach for the light only for their dads to smack their hands away from them.

Years later, I can drive with that light on and I don't feel distracted at all.

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@xianc78 it caused a reflection so it made it more difficult to see outside. Like looking out a window into night from a brightly lit room. It turns the window into a mirror basically

@stormbringer Okay, that makes sense. Maybe that was hard to explain to little children.

My parents said that the light was "blinding" and I always thought that it literally caused drivers to loose their eye-sight. My only other guess was that the light resembled the huge, bright headlights of trucks so it gave the illusion that a giant truck was closely following them.

@xianc78 it makes it harder to see for the driver because the lights reflecting back into their eyes from the glass. Like how it's harder to see outside of a glass door with the light on then as if you turned it off.

Most people can drive fairly fine with the light on but it's not guaranteed because some people have a genuinely hard time focusing. It's mostly on a case-by-case basis tho.

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