
So let me get this straight, when there is a war happening half-way across the world, all of the sudden, college students start an insurrection, yet when these college students were forced to take the jab a few years ago, they stayed silent. I really don't understand why these students decide to stand up to something that doesn't even apply to them when a few years ago, many of them either had to choose the vaccine or working McDonald's for the rest of their lives, and some of them who took it ended up working at McDonald's anyway due to the mass layoffs.

And before anyone asks, no I am not pro-Israel. In fact, I've been saying for the longest time that both sides of the war are being controlled (look up Albert Pike and the Three World Wars).

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@xianc78 the people protesting are the people who were lining up to get the jab. They're libtards, they don't actually believe in anything
@Spingebill @xianc78 Bullshit, the college students see the genocide in Gaza for what it is.
@Spingebill @xianc78 Literally none of the them are saying shit like that. That is a JIDF propaganda line.
@xianc78 >Both sides are being controlled
>there's no real opposition to kikes silly goyim, it's all part of our plan.

@Polfusilier Both WWI and WWII were both planned with WWII ending with the creation of the "two-state solution", which was meant to create tensions between the Jewish and Arab people to the point that a third world war will start and economically drain all nations in the world. From that, a New World Order will emerge.

This was all written in a masonic letter back in 1871, and it accurately predicted both WWI and WWII.

@xianc78 There's literally no evidence Albert Pike ever wrote that. It was almost certainly made-up after WWII. It even says that in the article.

>To date, no conclusive proof exists to show that this letter was ever written. Nevertheless, the letter is widely quoted and the topic of much discussion.

@Polfusilier Even without that letter, there is plenty of evidence that the world wars were all planned. There was the round-table meeting that set-up World War I before it happened, and there is the fact that the Nazis were funded by central bankers.

@xianc78 >there is the fact that the Nazis were funded by central bankers.

No, they weren't. You're thinking of the Wall St kikes who funded the (((Russian Revolution))).

@Polfusilier They funded both.

I'd argue that there has been no war that happened organically for almost the past few centuries.

@xianc78 No, there's literally no evidence they funded Hitler. A bunch on schizos on a podcast doesn't change that fact.

@Polfusilier There was only one person on there and Corbett does his research along with citing his sources. He openly exposes how these conspiracies aren't theories, but are actually openly talked about.

@xianc78 Having a book that claims something doesn't make it true. Since you must have listened to this podcast and believe it, explain who "funded" Hitler and how.

@Polfusilier The Rothschilds. In fact, he was a Rothschild. Alois Hitler was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber who got pregnant while being employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild.

The Rockerfeller's were also involved. Their synthetic oil was the oil that powered all of their military vehicles.

Also, the factories of American corporations were not bombed during the saturation bombing of Germany.

@xianc78 >The Rothschilds. In fact, he was a Rothschild. Alois Hitler was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber who got pregnant while being employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild.

Another rumor made up by kikes.

>The Rockerfeller's were also involved. Their synthetic oil was the oil that powered all of their military vehicles.

The Rockefeller's didn't make any synthetic oil in Germany.

>Also, the factories of American corporations were not bombed during the saturation bombing of Germany.

Which ones?

@Polfusilier You also have the Milner Group funding both Germany and Russia as a divide and conquer strategy. This was years before Hitler's rise and they said that they needed a tyrant to rise and fail in Germany for this plan to work.

>Which ones?
General Electric, for example. One of them was completely intact after the saturation bombing in Germany, along with the General Ford plant in Cologne.

@xianc78 >You also have the Milner Group funding both Germany and Russia as a divide and conquer strategy. This was years before Hitler's rise and they said that they needed a tyrant to rise and fail in Germany for this plan to work.

Do you have any evidence for that?

>General Electric, for example. One of them was completely intact after the saturation bombing in Germany, along with the General Ford plant in Cologne.

How does the fact that not every factory in Germany was destroyed prove Hitler was funded by another party?

Furthermore, the Ford Cologne Body & Assembly was bombed during WW2. The U.S government payed Ford in compensation for bombing it.

>In spite of the heavy bombing of Cologne, the factory got off relatively lightly and, after the war ended, production was able to restart in May 1945 with truck manufacture, the US government having paid $1.1 million in consideration of bombing damage.

>Do you have any evidence for that?

>How does the fact that not every factory in Germany was destroyed prove Hitler was funded by another party?

Most of the intact ones were owned by major US corporations.

@xianc78 >

Baseless rumors by Quigley. Even if I were to believe everything on that page it doesn't say they funded Russia or Germany. It doesn't even mention Hitler.

>Most of the intact ones were owned by major US corporations.

So what? That at most suggest that the American corporations asked the government not to bomb their factories that they were going to get back after the war. It does not in any way prove they funded Hitler.
@xianc78 @Polfusilier iirc the VW one barely survived and the tooling was stored away from the main factory. The US didn't give a shit about it but some British dude did and he discovered the Beetle and the rest is history.
@Polfusilier @xianc78 .
Hitler, per jews, the absolute worst person ever in the Hx of the planet,

again per jews, was a jew.

I mean, What the Fuck?
@xianc78 For example, Sutton's book claims that "On December 20, 1922 the New York Times reported that automobile manufacturer Henry Ford was financing Adolph Hitler's nationalist and anti-Semitic movements in Munich."

When that's not even what the (((Times))) said. In the original article referenced it says "A rumor is current here that Henry Ford, the American automobile manufacturer, is financing Adolph Hitler's nationalist movement and Anti-Semitic movement in Munich."

I've attached the original article. So basically the kikes at the (((New York Times))) were spreading a rumor that Hitler had a foreign backer to create justification for the Weimar government to go after him and Sutton tried to pass it off as evidence.
@Polfusilier @xianc78 .
was our Uncle

> even a thing in 1922????

or did kikes 'make him' to get get sympathy,

as they're wont to do/
@xianc78 @Polfusilier its not the jews guys its the british freemasons, look i have a fake quote to prove it , take your meds schizo
By 1871 the Masons were heavily infiltrated by jews in higher leadership. Long before 1871
That may be one of the book I read on it. Some of them quoted are familar

@xianc78 most of these people are trendchasers, and getting the vax was trendy among their peers so they did it.

i actually have a few friends who have been actively protesting that never got jabbed and didn't vote for biden, but could still be classified as highly liberal individuals. none of them have social media or smart phones lol. it's these kinds of people that i get along with so much more even if we disagree on a lot of things. ultimately they still want liberty and they still hate the government and corpos.

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