
@coolboymew I wonder if it is written like Adol's journals.

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@xianc78 I checked and the author was a native Russian and there's no mention of anything bad on wikipedia so chances are it's not going to be absolute garbage?

@coolboymew The stories in the Ys games are just in-universe retellings of what Adol wrote in his journals, published by some unknown writer centuries after his death. In other words, they are supposed to be in-universe history books.

I'm wondering if this book is written like that.

@coolboymew The manual for the first game has a backstory and it is written as a re-telling of Adol's journals.

@xianc78 ohhh nice, exactly the question I had. So it's set like that since the beginning? Very nice

Also during the time when games manual, especially PC, had a mountain of extra content and context

@coolboymew The manual for the original PC88 version was in hardcover, and even included a catalog for other games. Falcom really loved to put a lot of work in their packaging back then.

@coolboymew @xianc78 Okay, okay. The deal is simple: being an ethnic Russian is not as great a determinant as one might imagine, in the fantasy genre at least. Remember John Conrad etc. My own fanfics even reviewed pretty well, although of course people of refined tastes can feel that something is off. One guy commented that I "aped Heinlein".
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