@xianc78 I checked and the author was a native Russian and there's no mention of anything bad on wikipedia so chances are it's not going to be absolute garbage?

@coolboymew The stories in the Ys games are just in-universe retellings of what Adol wrote in his journals, published by some unknown writer centuries after his death. In other words, they are supposed to be in-universe history books.

I'm wondering if this book is written like that.

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@coolboymew The manual for the first game has a backstory and it is written as a re-telling of Adol's journals.


@xianc78 ohhh nice, exactly the question I had. So it's set like that since the beginning? Very nice

Also during the time when games manual, especially PC, had a mountain of extra content and context

@coolboymew The manual for the original PC88 version was in hardcover, and even included a catalog for other games. Falcom really loved to put a lot of work in their packaging back then.


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