
How are people able to have hours long phone conversations?

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@xianc78 they are allowed to have friends, who also reply with words when they say things, and thus are allowed to enjoy something called a conversation

@icedquinn It becomes a problem when it's an inconvenience for everyone else. Like, if I need someone but they are busy on the phone and they talk for hours, or they're on of those people who lock themselves in the bathroom just to talk on the phone.

@xianc78 society has decided you are unimportant. otherwise they would have stopped their conversation for you. This is a throwback to ye olden times when "them darn kids" would tie up the land line for hours

@miscbrains @xianc78 i mean if its important you just interrupt them. if they care about you they'll exit or wrap up and get on with it, otherwise they won't. it's that simple.
@xianc78 it's not just the phone
I once did a site visit and these two women were chit chatting and I get back like an hour later and they're still in the parking garage chit chatting.

These are the people who will block a residential street with their car to roll down their windows and chit chat about nothing.
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