@PurpCat i know this is from that one youtube video meme, but i'm gonna do it anyway

@beardalaxy same ngl sonic is overlooked furry kino (everyone mocked the fanbase because of chris chan/it was trendy to but I'd take that over modern furry shit)

@beardalaxy @PurpCat Alex Kidd was a way better mascot and you know it. Sega actually had some great IPs before the whole brand was ruined by furshit.

@xianc78 @beardalaxy @PurpCat How can he be a good mascot when either nobody knows him or nobody likes him (retro-videogame youtubers do not count as people)

@frost @PurpCat @beardalaxy @xianc78 The only reason I even remember Alex Kidd at all is because of Sonic and Sega Allstars Racing

@Ace66062 @PurpCat @beardalaxy @frost I knew about his existence for a while, but there was one time I was trying to program a platformer, but didn't want to do a Mario clone like everyone else, and Sonic was way too complex, so I decided that I should do an Alex Kidd clone. When I actually played Alex Kidd, I realized how much personality and wasted potential the franchise had. It just needed to have a game with SMB3 levels of content during the Genesis era instead of the heaping pile of shit known as Enchanted Castle and ditch the rock-paper-scissors boss fights.

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