if you had to live in either LA or San Francisco, which would you choose and why
@binkle SF is the fag capital of the world and God is currently cleansing LA. I’ll pick LA I guess. Looks optimistic.
@xianc78 @binkle What even is a smart city and how does it compare to cities as they currently are

@suquili @binkle Smart cities are basically what the WEF wants. They collect data to provide services and you can be denied said services due to bad social/carbon credits.

Modern cities may have elements to this but they aren't centralized and the technology isn't everywhere.

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@xianc78 @binkle So like some kind of in-between of social totalitarianism on behalf of the private sector (what we have) and social totalitarianism on behalf of the public sector?

@suquili @binkle Yeah. It's basically public-private partnership on a local level.

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