In the eyes of an extreme freetard, playing an old DOS or NES game is no different than using Windows 11, Discord, or Google Chrome.

He is sometimes helpful but most of his information comes off a now defunct wiki that was a decade outdated before it shut down.

@rher I made an entire effortpost a few hours ago explaining why this free software zealotry is actually hurting the movement and keeping people on Windows.

@xianc78 @rher You are barking at the wrong tree. These people will never change nor understand. That's why they are only worthy of getting laughed at. Especially Suiseiseki.

@phnt @rher Yeah. I just realized that they are no different than left-anarchists who try to fight capitalism buy destroying small businesses. They're just firing at the wrong targets.

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@xianc78 @phnt @rher What are you even on about?

The free software movements aims to eliminate all proprietary software, no matter whether a small or big business distributes it.

Each line of freedom is fired at the intended target.
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