I was once sexually assaulted in a nightclub in Berlin by a group of older women. One of them grabbed my ass and squeezed hard, and then said "you have a nice butt".

Of course, everyone I was with, even myself at the time, played it up for laughs.

It wasn't a comfortable experience.



@Aldo2 " Keep fingering me or I will start screaming. "

20 years later I still fantasize about kicking in her skull.

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@xyfdi I'm sorry that happened to you.

I don't fantasize about killing or harming the people who did that to me. It's more-so me trying to rationalize it when it does pop up into my thoughts, which in of itself is a PTSD indicator I guess.

I once said that, while I've been kissed, I've never kissed someone myself. In all my years.

Thankfully, in those cases, there were no threats...

Never went past awkward kisses tho, so there's that...

I'm a bit of a weirdo when it comes to the opposite sex...

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