Got bored
Installed #gentoo on laptop
Was easy, just took forever compiling
@matrix I should play crusader kings...
@matrix Which subreddit was this on?
@OldPersonOnline I miss those...
Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope! Cope!
@realcaseyrollins server to server. Client to client. Which flavour do you want?
@realcaseyrollins It has been around for ages, its well understood and does almost the same thing Matrix does.
Thing with Matrix is that it came after Slack, and XMPP after IRC. So you see a difference in interfaces here.
@deprecated The Netherlands?
Experimenting a bit with creating time-lapses in #morrowind using the #openmw engine and some pyautogui magic =)
( This will need some work. )
@matrix Lol... Look what you did! 😅
@Chronomemes Because the meals are happy, not you the customer.
@matrix This pedo is on Gettr now.
@Zerglingman Theocracy isn't entirely my thing. But I get the gist of the lyrics you have posted. 🙂
@moth_ball This hurts... 😅
@jenny Wasn't this a requirement to use Arch?
@MartinJJ Imagine my shock...
Just another gamer on the Internet.