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@matrix So this is not my thing. Like, I am not really into stuff like this and see it as a niche, a fringe.

This said, I do wonder: how do you request such a thing? More specifically: how do you describe what you want? Like do you describe the entire setting in detail, or just give a scenario and let the artist fill in the blanks, or describe what needs to happen and leave it up the artist again? Are you willing to show me a transcript in which you request what you want from the artist?

Maybe I should commission some art and find out the hard way... 🤔

@OldPersonOnline I don't get this one. This is to prevent kids from buying bottles?

@Dicer It would explain why smart and rich people prefer smaller chested women you saw recently. Ignoring the whole pedo stuff, it kinda makes sense, because if you have wealth, you don't want to waste it on some cow with milkers.

@icedquinn What is a deep sim?

I've played immersive sims like Deus Ex and I play study/combat sims like BMS, DCS and Steal Beasts Pro.

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