@matrix Any time TF does something political its effing cringe.
@b10m After the past 24 months, should this surprise you?
@icedquinn It's fine. We shifted into the FWB configuration for the time being...
@MartinJJ What do they expect to get out of this? Even more sanctions against Russia. Another angry letter towards Putin?
And seriously, why would EU countries have another deadbeat contribution, other than to braindrain it and have a new place for Aldi to open shops and fuck with the local economy?
@icedquinn My ex Sophie is a ginger, not sure if she worked on music videos. 🤔 So, close?
@icedquinn NFC what this is. I had the same when I imported some things from the US. Not sure if it's a trade deal gone sour or taxing things to tax things or protectionism. It sucks.
@matrix Needs dick
@kumicota Skyrim sounds like the title of a porn movie involving cucks.
@deprecated_ii Then again, the latest iteration of the Spike on the other hand seems nicer. All the seekers are in the missile head and you don't need the Javelin command unit. Its lightweight AF and you can just ditch it after use. 🙂
@b10m I noticed that all their authoritarian rhetoric went out of the window as some state goes IDGAF threatened their cushy life.
@deprecated_ii The reaction is a bit similar to war in the Balkan, its in Europe and now everybody has a stake in it. The west doesn't care about Africa, the West cares about the West.
@b10m I am on the no bandwagon here. I want corporations to be apolitical, you know, I give money, I get service. Now get the megaphone out of my face. That kinda deal.
Oh no, you doxed me!
Now I will melt and scream in anguish by your use of my power word. There will be nothing left of me, except for a small puddle of green goo.
@realcaseyrollins were you their bull for them or something?
@matrix What is FitMC doing in your memes?
@shebang I think nobody really cared about the corrupt country known as Ukraine until the ruskies entered it. I find this distraction so hypocritical.
@matrix Its so fucking true.
@deprecated_ii Russians are Rushing B again.
Just another gamer on the Internet.