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@shebang @Evillarry @Synclair
Reminds me of that dude who was some stan for Venezuela, called the US fascist, anti-trump, etc. Until he got arrested over there, returned and just said he didn't like Trump. 😅

@Synclair @shebang @Evillarry
This is comedy gold.

I am pretty liberal when it comes to drugs, but no fucking way I am going to have anything near me whenever I go to some authoritarian shithole.

@deprecated_ii Pretty much this. Or you end up next to people who post anime pedo weebshit or pinwheels displayed by mid-century germans.

Read my own website on 👁#ChatControl to find out more about the horrific implications of the proposal and what you can do:

🛡️Defend our right to #SecrecyOfCorrespondence! (2/2)

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I don't get this totally disjointed move. NL is #2 agricultural exporter in the world. It provides like half the pig meat to Europe. What are they thinking?

" easier to write code "
" writing functions from scratch is time consuming "


@matrix Its to ward of predators. Not sure of potential mates fall in that category tho...

Blood for the blood god.
Skulls for the skull throne.

The drama regarding Mass Effect 3 was for me the moment I knew the gaming "press" was beyond saving.

On one hand you had the gamers being not happy on how the ending was dealt with after investing 3 games of their time.

On the other hand some smart-ass decided to call the gamers "feeling entitled" and the rest of the journos rand with that.

This was for me the first big shift, after that came GamerGate and the rest is history.

No FC what that big dip in 2011 is tho.

So P, you aren't the admin of fse, instead you are the cranky sysadmin of fse. Isn't that just admin with extra steps?

And that's fine, as long as the gameplay isn't shit.

@graf I guess Canada doesn't have any private clinics?

@josh What kind of retardism do the colours symbolize?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.