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@freemo If you pass by NL on your way back, can you bring some stuff back with you for me? 😅

For Neofolk this is poppy AF 😅

What's up next in your neofolk playlist? Death in June? Days of the Trumpet call? Dies Natalis? Von Thronstahl?

Odd that the libertarians and ancaps are lumped with the right-wing.

What is this this for a kind of faggotry..

I am not touching Songs of Syx until it left Early Access 😅

To be fair, mid/late game you are only selling stuff you have found or pirated. So the tax isn't much of an issue. Its more an issue when you ferry shit from a to b for chickenfeed.

@icedquinn The entire game is stacked against honest traders. Which is why piracy and black market shenanigans is a must. And honestly, paired with AI colony management, I love this! =)

@realcaseyrollins When something is bad in the eyes of the establishment.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.