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@icedquinn That's the one in which you instantly can go from regular to interstellar space, no?

@realcaseyrollins Well, the boobs of Sinema and AOC make me happy... 😅

@b10m How is this any different than let's say a WhatsApp group or something?

Should I make a news community for 

@realcaseyrollins @News

Do you like babysitting spergs for the rest of the existence of the site?

@realcaseyrollins There was an engine reimplantation called Re3 iirc. But Rockstar sent C&D letters to the project, just weeks before they released their shitty "remaster".

@anornymorse @icedquinn @shebang
I tried the Hoodia pills, they work in suppressing hunger, but the side-effects.. daaaamn!

This would be excellent for things like festivals or rave for a couple of days.

@icedquinn @shebang
It's ironic that Keto basically BTFO'd Weight Watchers into irrelevance. 😬

@icedquinn @shebang
'betes sucks. I can't gobble up the amount and type of food I used to. :sadhug:

But I lost a tremendous amount of weight. 😅

People have standards and preferences in dating.
Who could've guessed. 🤷

@sloppyhog This type of article isn't new. You have these coming out once every couple of years. Reactions are always funny. 🥳

@matrix This applies to slavs and balkans too...

🤔 Any European country really...

@matrix This looks like a fun experiment with bind(). Have fun! =)

@matrix @hj
Maybe we can build a scraper and call it the fedi fascist list or something of problematic individuals who are nazi/fascist or nazi/fascist adjacent. And then start by scanning instances like todon. 😅

@shebang Truckers do actual work, are tired AF and would fall asleep anyway.

@shebang I have yet to see anything of this franchise. 😅

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.