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The sun has been shining for the past couple of days, which means for the Dutch everybody will go the terraces of pubs and bars and drink. But since all the pubs and bars are closed due to the lockdown everybody goes to the parks. And all the pictures look like festival pictures with people on the grass, dancing to music and drinking booze. 🙂

It has gotten so bad the mayor decided it was a good idea to kick people out of the parks prematurely. Its going great here! 😒

From what I have read about its says to me its essentially a watered down version of for people.

I just saw the Korean movie Space Sweepers on NetFlix and it reminded me a lot of 1996's Space Truckers. Both movies I would recommend.

Also, one of my favorite scenes: from the latter =)

As an avid ArmA 3 player this launched my sides into orbit. :blobrofl:

2020 vidya Gaem Awards (Director's Cut)

The only video game award show that counts! 🙂

Started playing X4 Foundations again due to the recently released Cradle of Humanity expansion aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... Egosoft nerfed the game to death and making serious money is borderline impossible.

- building an empire through trading will take literal days of the game running non-stop and collecting whatever little wealth you will get.
- Finding skilled pilots and managers is borderline impossible. So having a fleet of haulers doing automated trade runs? No go, pilot skills start at 1 star and reaching 3 stars is required to operate the trading software onboard on the ship. Training said pilots will take days if not weeks with loads and loads of cash

Uninstall. Back to study.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.