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Thanks to the efforts of @PeerTube_Isolation I know via that there is such a thing as: Conspirationism

WTF is this?

( Practical upshot: At least the author links socialism to fascism, so there is hope. )

The and their references in fake adverts...

...I love this! 🙂

The brits started discussing Starship Troopers again and I got reminded how much I love the ideas in the book. The world it is in sounds utopic ( due to my libertarian leanings I guess ), how the world got that way is really depressing when you read into it. Oddly enough the current course of the West is pretty much on par with what the book describes, its frightening.

I love it when Stossel just dunks on boomers with their anti-nuclear power stance. Its so good I am going to watch it again!

The EU is going to try and push for hate speech laws. They currently have a public feedback period (which is meaningless, but nonetheless I want to give feedback) and I'm not sure what's better, a moral argument or an argument that the way they interpret data is shit. It ends in two days so not a lot of time.

Ironically no alternative is discussed, instead the individual resorts to name calling. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Just some kid who has seen too many movies. What a cringe.

Doodgeschoten Amerikaan (13) had geen tijd om te reageren op politiebevel, blijkt uit video -

Kan iemand mij vertellen waarom dit relevant Nederlandse voorpagina nieuws is?

So the cop who shot Daunte Wright, will she out of this ordeal with a slap on the wrist because she is a cop or a woman?

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