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> Go to steam
> Select linux games
> Go to the New and Trending tab
> Half of all the entries are weebshit or are tagged with sexual content.

What's going on here? 🤔

The amount of effort that went into this is glorious! 😅

FXU went from vegan/macrobiotic to pescetarianism. Fish is back on the menu! 😁

Right.. Switched from BitChute to @lbry. The difference is night and day! 💗

I didn't have a bad day...

Reinstalled and configured my laptop. Updated all my VMs. Gave the hypervisor some extra swap to work with. Started offloading 506G of pictures I am backing up for someone else into an AWS S3 bucket. It was a productive day, week even.

For now I long for sleep.

Also forgetting to compile my Wifi drivers into the kernel wasn't smart.

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Got bored
Installed on laptop
Was easy, just took forever compiling

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.