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Silence alarm, get dressed, go online to attend stand-up, discover that today is a rare (once every 5 years) national holiday.

Great start so far...

Trying the low-carb thing. So far I like the feeling of not being hungry while not eating much at all.

Since I am spending more time at home and not in bars I have some money to waste. So I ordered a replacement for my old X-52 Pro. As you can imagine.. I am hyped! :D

DCS World is doing a "try all models for free for a month" due to C19. This is going to be my end...

Not sure what to think about Generation Zero, that video game. It comes off as a "Sir, you are being hunted" with a bigger budget for fluffing and less of a end goal. I never got the impression I needed to do anything because the main story was in my face and never got the feeling I needed to do the main story. So this game is just running around on a massive island loosing the inventory management game (it was rigged from the start). Shooting stuff, exploring... and that kinda gameplay got stale really fast.

The other thing that annoyed the eff out of me is that there is no persistency (unless its loot somehow). Clear a village, reclaimed the motherland.. Reload aaaaaaaaaaaand enemies are back. FFS!

Shame, it had potential.

Regrettably I have replayed Halo:CE and damn... What a shitshow. Indistinguishable prefab of levels after indistinguishable prefab of arenas for the player to grind through to turn around halfway grind through the same levels/arenas is just lazy and bad.. just bad.

While the last level was a nice change, the three-way fight was weird. Non-sensical somehow. Also, why didn't guilty spark TP Master Chief into space or from great heights onto some hard rocks if MC was such an annoyance?

Ik hope the other installments don't suck as much.

2/10 -- cortana is ok

Lets thank some Finish municipality to teach people how to tell a (potential) rapist you don't want to get raped. (This is sad.)

Sweet. My friend's kid who live a block over came down with the flu. Coincidentally they also received a letter telling them one of the people during lice check was coofing and came down with the wuflu. The second Dutch infection was put in voluntary quarantine 10 minutes from my house, my friend lives less than 5. Last week for me to stock up on even more supplies! :ablobcatsweatsip:

Ok. I never knew fish antibiotics were a thing...

I decided to stop playing EVE Online. I either liquidated all my assets or planned my departure from the NullSec powerblock. Oddly enough that departure gave me something to do, something to aim for, a goal (being moving my inventory of supers and carriers to Basgerin). Suddenly the game is fun again! But with the move behind me.... Now what? 😩

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.