Lolicons are like the retarded "civnats" of pedophilia.

The people they constantly and slavishly appeal to hate them and will never stop calling them pedos, and they're too afraid to be actually based because they so love the mind-prison they made for themselves.

"I'm not a pedophile, I'm a lolicon!!"

"What is the English translation of "lolicon"?"

"N....Wh....N....Not like that!!!!!"

"Yeah, I agree with Romeo-Juliet clauses, and I think there should be awareness of minors having sex with each other before the official "AOC". It is normal, and it shouldn't be considered "pedophilic" to say so."

"ZOMGDOAMGOMG!!!!! He had sex with her when he was 16 and she was 11. Clearly that makes him an adult and he's an evil pedo and I love the authorities, send him to jail!!!!"

Some real principle flip-flopping going on. All to appear like the "normies".

@Aldo2 liking drawings and having contempt for predators, let alone ones who casually joke about their convictions, is based as hell. Why would I care what normies or kid diddlers think? For some kind of allegiance? Nahh I only stand with my 2D brethren :cunny_chad:

@beardalaxy you have no idea how cringe that post is...

Imagine being a Japanese loli/toddler artist and seeing that.

Absolute cringe.

You don't own what it is to be a "lolicon". You act like you do, but you don't.

Just like CivNats don't own what it is to be a "nationalist".

@Aldo2 @beardalaxy I don't see you speaking Japanese and hanging out in Japanese circles either

I might not be Japanese, but I am an artist and I say: fuck you and go fuck yourself with this shit

my craft is not for you to hide your criminal aspirations behind, and I am not a pedophile and never will be, normies be damned

and yes, I fucking own the 'lolicon' label just as dozens and dozens of artists with "MAPs DNI" in their bios

cope and seethe

@matana @beardalaxy

In fact, if I remember, I think Comi Lo (which Beard boosted today) even publishes (or published) some Nishi Iori stuff. And it isn't only Nishi Iori. Ironashi, Kereno etc...

So that's a double meta-irony right there hahaha

@Aldo2 @beardalaxy

Nishi Iori can put "pedo" on literally all of his characters, I don't care, and I can do that too: what matters is that Nishi Iori never tried to push an identity I am not onto me in quite rude way, and onto my online frens as well

but you did

@matana @beardalaxy

I'm not trying to push anything onto you, Matana.

I'm simply saying "lolicons" appeal to normies, who hate them and call them pedophiles.

Pedophiles at least have enough self-respect to not lie to themselves.

This is like one big case of projection.

You WANT lolicon to not be about (cartoon) pron of children (even though it is).

So you project onto me and others that we are the ones "infiltrating" a "craft", even though "lolicon" is inherently about sex with (cartoon) children.

You're just mad that, somewhere out there, a pedophile might be jacking off to your cartoons. Clearly.

@Aldo2 @beardalaxy tattoo it to memorize: I don't appeal to anyone, least of all normies

my art is for me, myself, and I first and foremost, and it is what I want it to be

and I only stand with my 2D brethen :gigachad:

@matana @beardalaxy


That doesn't address my point at all.

You don't speak for all "lolicons". You speak for yourself, as a woman.

"My art is for me"

Well, there you go.

And if you look at the OP, I'm not speaking for "all lolicons" or "all pedophiles". The post was pointing out the hypocrisy and contradictions of many in the "lolicon" community who claim to "represent" lolicons (like you were doing just now, before you said you don't represent anyone).

@Aldo2 @beardalaxy it quite literally did though, with "Lolicons [broad] are" and then trying to speak for artists in your reply to beard and such, don't even try to backpedal out of this

there are quite literally no hypocrisy or contradictions, no matter how you wish otherwise

me, I might not be able to speak for everyone, but I am sure I speak for many and I speak rightfully

Do you want me to cite the whole post, instead of you just taking 2 words?

Jfc, now you're really pissing me off.

Are you seriously arguing that the lolicon "craft" is not at all about sex with (cartoon) children?

What is it about then? Just some extremely generalized "art"? You know, the other day, a post I made was banned, even though the subject matter is also considered non-sexual "art"...

So you say you don't have those attractions, but then what about the audience who says, I dunno, things like "we want more pedo content" (this is what you get on Japanese artist pages)?

The demand is what drives the production. Not the other way round.

@Aldo2 ideally I want you to apologize but I know better that this never happens on the internet

I don't believe you're interested in listening about the undercover layers of art at all; you are just parroting the same normies you claim to disdain so much: "oh, he shoot up his school because he played GTA": literally the same level of mental gymnastics

I am not "the production" either, btw


@matana apologize for what?

What insult did I say to you?

What the fuck?



"The production", jfc. I meant audience members (who pay) saying "we want more pedo content" will lead artists to make, drumroll please, pedo content.

I'm not trying to ruin your day. I'm trying to be respectful.

You're the one who came in insulting me and attacking me, along with Beard calling me essentially a "predator".

Look, if you don't like my post, don't interact with it.

What am I supposed to do or say?

You want me to get a freaking lobotomy, come on.

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@Aldo2 you called us "like the retarded civnats of pedophilia" and said that we "constantly and slavishly appeal" to normies and that we are "too afraid to be actually based because they so love the mind-prison they made for themselves"

far from anything respectful if you ask me; and you know, I blocked for less


You couldn't tell that I was being facetious, are you serious? I used a meme-photo in the post for crying out loud. I talk about "civnats" (something from fucking 2016).

Your panties are in a twist over that?!?!?!!?

Yes, uh, you're kinda showing that now, appealing to emotion and literally calling me a disgusting criminal, even though I've done nothing wrong except admitting to liking cartoon photos of children, which you admit that you produce.

When I say you're too afraid, this is what I'm talking about.

You have an insane overly emotional reaction to a simple fact: lolicon art is art involving sex with children, and pedophiles like that art and many lolicon or "lolicons" (i.e. people who view the "art") or lolicon artists are open pedophiles.

The "mind-prison", if you can't tell, is litearlly "I'm not a pedophile or have any pedophilic tendencies even though I draw "art" of children having sex with adults or view "art" of children having sex". That is, quite literally, at least to me, a "mind-prison".

I don't block anyone, and I don't want you to block me, because I feel like we got along fine for so many years.

@Aldo2 "I was only pretending to be retarded"

sure thing, and the rest of your accusing diatribes were also "facetious"

what can I say: you played a big stupid game, you won a big stupid prize

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