@matrix I can build a crude generator by hand so I'm good. The hard part would be the magnets.

I basically have two options for that

1. Find naturally occurring magnets

2. Create magnets with batteries.

Luckily I'd be able to create batteries with readily available materials.
@sjw @matrix You need just enough voltage to bias the field coil and you can get that from a primitive acid battery.
@DemonSixOne @matrix yep which is why I'm confident I'd be able to do it
I could always hook up multiple batteries in series.

Once a generator is built then Bob's your uncle.

AC is the superior choice because it's so easy to change the voltage with a transformer.

DC is more efficient going over the lines but it's not as easy or efficient to change the voltage.

AC is the obvious choice. Power would be as simple as connecting the generator to a water wheel or windmill.

I know how to make a basic stream engine too but that would likely require steel although aluminium might work too.

I don't have enough knowledge to ensure the safety of my steam engine but that's what science is all about.

I can also make soap which may or may not be a useful skill.


@sjw @matrix @DemonSixOne Idk I think the amount of power to properly charge a magnet strong enough is pretty high. Nilered did a short video on it and it was a huge setup that made a lot of noise, so that's a big energy discharge to charge the magnet. They think natural magnetite is formed by lightning strikes, so the charge needed is pretty huge. You'd need a pretty big acid battery.

@Jazzy_Butts @matrix @DemonSixOne you don't need a lot of voltage but you do need a good bit of amperage. Just put a bunch of batteries in parallel.

@sjw @matrix @DemonSixOne I don't know much about electricity, I still don't understand the difference between volts amps or anything, I'm under the impression it's like a body of water, it can be fast and narrow, wide and slow, or wide and fast, or narrow and slow. It's the speed of the water and the amount of water. But with electricity instead of water.

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