
Why is it always bad gross dirty guys who get lucky and get a little wife who they don't even appreciate and treat like shit? Do girls just like being treated like shit? Are they natural masochists?

Men are natural sadists
Girls are natural masochists

There, that's better, I can stop thinking about it now. Fuck men for being evil, and fuck women for being permissive.

@Jazzy_Butts money and yes

kinda yes anyway, non-youth gens definitely havent completely broken away from the patriarchal family mindset of men being providers, the younger adult gens have found that anyone providing at all is nigh impossible unless one party is rich (which tends to coincide with innate development of growing up an asshole), and theres also the whole sexual side where girls like "bad boys" and "fun boys" - though this goes both ways, guys like bratty sluts just as much, just nobody complains about that unless its a video game girl with a booty and skinny body type now
@Aldo2 @Jazzy_Butts dunno if youre making an mtg reference or we spoke before in ye olden heydays of covid-era fedi
@Aldo2 @Jazzy_Butts your name does sound familiar but i am very, very bad at remembering people

f.u is like the dark ages now
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