I believe the age of conscent at 18 is a horrible thing.

But not for the reason you all keep complaining about pedos.
Humans used to form families from a young age. A 9yo bride, who waited 7 more years under a protection of loving susband realy doesn't sound like a bad scenario to me.

But now, 15 yo women cannot get married even if they truly wanted. So what are they supposed to do?

@LukeAlmighty in my native prefecture in Japan, it was 16 until ~2010 when it was raised to 18. Honestly, you can't tell me that 16 years and 18 years are that different in terms of mental age. Where I live in the USA, it's 16 y/o, unless there's a *huge* age gap. AoC laws are bullshit, but not for the p*do reasons. @applejack

@barasaint @applejack
16 and 18 is a HUGE difference.

Puberty exists for a reason, and thinking, that you can just push the time, when people are supposed to form a family is hubris of the worst kind.

@LukeAlmighty Maybe it’s just because (most) americans are often fucking morons until they’re ~22 @applejack


@barasaint @applejack
Being a moron doesn't mean you can alter your biology until you get wise FFS!!!

Because now, instead on 1 problem we have 1 peoblem and a civilization collapse on top of it.

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@LukeAlmighty For as perverted as Japan is stereotyped as, there’s a lot of fetish/soft stuff but rarely hard fucking until people are at least 18. @applejack

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