Whenever I look at NFS Underground 2, I wonder: Ok, can where the fuck is this game, but released in last 5 years?

Seriously, it was perfect, so why did noone tried to re-create it?

@LukeAlmighty I haven't followed street racing games at all, but didn't the Need for Speed series do a street racing release in the last five years?

They did.
But new Need for Speed is a microtransaction ridden pile of shit.

I played the 2nd Most Wanted, and after that, I didn't touch that series ever again. It is radioactive as far as I'm conserned.

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@LukeAlmighty >Ubisoft (French)
>Every good game they publish is German-made
Really makes you think.
@LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen EA has always been shitty.
They made BlackBox splt into 3 to develop NFS Carbon, Undercover and Prostreet at the same time after Most Wanted. Out of the 3, carbon and prostreet are in the best shape, but Carbon had massive amounts of cut content, Undercover is buggy as fuck without mods, and from what I've heard ProStreet is mostly fine
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen I like how chaotic it is, and also love Rivals because it's essentially an upgrade from HP2010, but man I wish EA didn't force Ghost to use the Frostbite engine. Criterion's Chameleon engine was far far far much better for a racing game

@MischievousTomato @LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen i remember liking rivals when it came out but there was some weird stuff with online play iirc? i can't remember man that was almost a decade ago.

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