@Mr_NutterButter @beardalaxy
> affectionate and loving.
Oh god, you're so lucky. I just get sleepy, depressed and insanely interspetive.

Also, alcohol just reveals who you are, so it seems, that you are living quite a good life then :D

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter if alcohol reveals who you are, i'm basically sleepy kirby


@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter
If you're the same, that means, that most likely, you aren't hiding anything by using your higher brain.

Sounds great :peepoHug:

@LukeAlmighty @Mr_NutterButter pretty much the only difference is that i get sleepy lol. everything else is dependent on environment and situation but that's with or without the alcohol. if i'm around my buddy, who is a super giggly drunk, even if i'm totally sober i'll get giggly with him. the only time i don't really fit into an environment is when it gets to be like the whole dudebro frat shit or like rave/party shit.

i wouldn't even say i necessarily get "drunk" because i reach the sleepy stage before that and don't want to do anything anymore xD

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