alright guys, let's see just how privileged fedi actually is

(where it says canadian citizen, just pretend it's a citizen of your country)

it would appear that i am, unfortunately, mostly privileged. damn. soooo close to being somewhat marginalized.

Colonizers/indigenous doesn't even make sense in European context :cry_konata:

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy there are Indigenous groups in Europe dude.... the Sammi for example

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy I do not think that is the part he takes issue with. The indigenous Europeans are overall… Europeans (Whites). The distinction doesn’t make sense when we are both the inhabitants and the natives

In his case, who would be the colonizers/indigenous people of Czechland? Both Czechs

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy that's not how indigeniety is defined, they don't see themselves as their assimilated descendants

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy It means native, but even if you insist on using a definition engineered to be anti-White the dichotomy does not work

Again I’ll ask, this time not rhetorically, who would be the colonisers/indigenous people of Czechland?

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy lmao you think Indigeniety is anti-White by definition? Did you miss the part where Europe has its own Indigenous communities whose culture is also currently being eradicated?

Once again you guys don't understand how indigeniety works, it isn't through blood quantum. It's about being claimed by a community and having ties to the land. It isn't hard. Czech people consider themselves pre-slavic and non Germanic. It's almost as if they have their own recognized culture and origins.

@teratology @beardalaxy @frost
> Czech people consider themselves non germanic
:omegalul: Now, that's a new one....
I love the progressive commedy. So inventive with their fantasy worldbuilding.

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