
alright guys, let's see just how privileged fedi actually is

(where it says canadian citizen, just pretend it's a citizen of your country)

it would appear that i am, unfortunately, mostly privileged. damn. soooo close to being somewhat marginalized.

Colonizers/indigenous doesn't even make sense in European context :cry_konata:

I love, how they pretend on this chart, that:
1) Autism is actually something progresives care about. Meanwhile, I literally compare talking to a progressive while autistic to "walking while black".
2) That being a colonizer is somehow better then being indigenous. Meanwhile, in here, being indigenous literally means being part of 98% majority
3) That being woman is somehow in the un-priviledged group :omegalul:

It's just so retarded...

@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
> And non-visibly
Autism is literally a definitional mess, where some experts say, I am retarded beyond fixing, and other say: "Oh, he's slightly weird".

Well, fuck it, how am I supposed to anwser that one :D

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy Since "Neurodivergence", "Mental Health", "Gender" and "Sexuality" are their own categories, I assume that disability in this case refers to physical disability. But do I get to score "partially" because I have minor skin issues and needs optical correction?
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy "Language" is also really a Canadian-specific category, to be honest I am practically fluent in English, but it is not something I grew up with.

I am also assuming that my slightly odd personality and minor physical problems are not enough to qualify as being anything other than "functional".

@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
If you speak the official language AND you're fluent in a second one, that I think is the core.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy Canada is unique in that it has two official languages, English and French, and a third unofficial language in at least one territory - Mandarin.
I believe the question is meant to put Quebecans, who are both native with French and English, one step lower on the totem pole.

@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
That's so retarded. Well, in here, I have literally never seen a document, that wasn't Czech or English, so I see no reason to lower my score.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy In a different timeline, Czechia might have had the same system with Czech and German.

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty i live in the US so i just took the language part and replaced french with spanish. spanish isn't an official language but it may as fucking well be at this point.

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty it's all pretty fake and gay anyway but autism probably falls under both categories. maybe depending on severity? there are some mental disabilities that don't fall under "neurodiversity" like epilepsy.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty Epilepsy is brain-related, but not really a mental illness, is it? I guess that would be a non-visible disability.

@LukeAlmighty my favorite is that you are apparently more privileged if you're gay than if you're bisexual. like how tf does that make any sense? xD

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty because you still like the opp sex, and even amongst homos male homos are more valuable than female homos, but troons beat them all. Something about buttsex is a better trait than gashsex for them

@kf01 @LukeAlmighty i think you're reading the graph wrong? bisexuals are listed as being less privileged than gays. but if you're bi, you still like the opposite sex so that SHOULD make you more privileged, right? xD

these people make NO fucking sense lol

@beardalaxy @kf01
Same goes for non-binary. Especially, when contrary to all troons, being non-binary just means, that you want to feel special.

@beardalaxy @kf01
I don't have to be expert to see, that troons get a TON of hate. But when I see a bitch, and she says, that she's non-binary, all I think of is: "oh... so an average woman IQ."

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty ah well thats easy to explain. You see bisexagays are just fewer in number (most of them are just pure homo that say theyre bi) so in these losers worldview theyre less privileged. However when it comes down to the brass tacks on their side of the camp gays are more “valued”

Oh :omegalul:
I have never looked deeper into this, but yes, that's absolutely retarded logic that only leftoids could come up with.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy there are Indigenous groups in Europe dude.... the Sammi for example

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy I do not think that is the part he takes issue with. The indigenous Europeans are overall… Europeans (Whites). The distinction doesn’t make sense when we are both the inhabitants and the natives

In his case, who would be the colonizers/indigenous people of Czechland? Both Czechs

@frost @beardalaxy @teratology
Exactly. The only nation I can think of, where colonizers have a significant meaning is UK with Muslim colonizers, but good luck explaining the currently ongoing colonization by non-europeans to the person who made this graph :D

@LukeAlmighty @frost @beardalaxy calling immigration "colonization" shows a fundamental understanding of what settler colonialism is. Like you seriously forget and ignore how genocide is a major component practiced in the states and Israel.

@teratology @beardalaxy @frost
I said in the UK, and your responce is to move the conversation all the way to Israel just, so you can give Muslim invaders a slack?

You're so pathetic.

@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost I didn't move it to Israel, the U.S is another example of settler colonialism. You can hate Muslims all you want, but you clearly don't understand what settler colonialism actually is.

Do you realize how insane that is in the context of the UK?

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy When you reach the point where areas cannot be policed, local laws cant be enforced anymore, I think it is fair to say they have done did a bit of a colonialism

@frost @beardalaxy @teratology
Thank you
I really don't feel like arguing with these low effort posters lately, but you have been covering all of my complaints perfectly today.

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy that's just your opinion dude. Colonialism and settler colonialism have specific definitions that doesn't include refugees the west destabilized. It's almost as if migration in the states is also caused by environmental and political displacement. Funny.

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy I mean sure, it is semantics. I don’t care what you call it or even what the reasons are, I just want them kicked out for the sake of me and mine; but I still felt like elaborating on Luke’s point

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy you can just say that. The number of Europeans who compare it to settler colonialism is outright insane projection. People from France and the UK of all places need to have some self reflection, pretending that they're still not benefitting from the legacy of colonialism themselves (Haiti). It's like seeing children throw around buzzwords they don't understand. It's more respectable to just admit you hate Muslims or immigrants.

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost I am scared of muslims largely because on average their fundamentalist are a little more ya know … But I’m a faggot so.
@eemmaa @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost you are a white faggot, y'all have a tendency to make everything and anything about yourselves whenever possible 💀
@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost don’t want to be hit or treated like shit. It is my life so it is about me.
@eemmaa @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost your comment about Muslims in general just shows that you are either very sheltered or just ignorant. Latin America is extremely Catholic, and you would get hate crimed instantly there, not including the high femicide rates. I don't see you saying you're afraid of Catholics and Protestants though.
@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost I worry about my interactions where I live. The negative ones largely include Indians and muslims. I am not the arbiter of the world, I am the arbiter of my existence and the things I currently deal with.
@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost also a general rule - minority groups tend to be more homophobic, I notice it. I’m not gonna pretend like I don’t.
@eemmaa @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost most of the world is homophobic yet you're fixated on minorities being homophobic? Meanwhile plenty of people have noticed that the white kweerz on this network are racist as fuck but will take anything they can paint as homophobia or transphobia as the ultimate worst transgression ever loool
@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost I’m fixated on the people around me, the world that affects me. I don’t care about this community standards. I don’t even have a solution for what I observe but I am not gonna pretend like I don’t notice my environment
@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost also about the catholics and protestants, i actually am worried about them, i am worried about the return to fundamentalism in the US. Those people do somewhat scare me.

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @eemmaa If we did we would not be having this discussion. I really do wish Whites put ourselves first like every other group gets to do

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost in sufficient numbers, immigration is no different to colonisation, enoch powell was right about that
@azure @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost this thread just showcases how much people don't actually understand history or colonialism

@teratology @azure @beardalaxy @frost
Educate us you lazy bum then. Who are the indigenous people to the land of Bohemia, and who are colonials?

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy @frost You haven't explained how it isnt. Mass migration of people from cultures opposed to the West doenst allow for those people to assimilate as they naturally would have had they come in small numbers. You have large well-funded organisations telling these people to come to the West, and certain countries in particular, so they can replace the natives. It is colonisation by another name.

@azure @beardalaxy @frost @teratology
Also, in case of muslims, it is immigration of population, that is actively violent towards native population, and want them all either dead or bend the knee.

That is the difference. I don't like the fact, that 300 000 ukies immigrated in a single year. But ukies don't believe my existence is a crime.

@LukeAlmighty @azure @beardalaxy @frost @teratology This is why I have no problem with Asian and White immigration. they don't bring these kinds of problems with them. For the most part.

@LukeAlmighty @azure @beardalaxy @frost they're not all like that but you are literally describing what Christians did under manifest destiny. If you want an actual fair comparison you could talk about Islam actually having a colonial legacy in Africa with the East African Slave trade but you would actually compare the west's destabilization of the Middle East and mass displacement to having your entire culture and people eradicated via genocide. Exactly what is actually happening in Israel right now.

Of course you don't care about Ukrainians, I'm well aware that they're preferential when the U.S constantly dehumanizes central american refugees.

@teratology @azure @beardalaxy @frost
Did I say "all"
Did I use the word "all"
Or are you literally too retarded to respond to what I wrote, so you added a word so you can attack that singular added word instead of my argument?

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy that's not how indigeniety is defined, they don't see themselves as their assimilated descendants

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy It means native, but even if you insist on using a definition engineered to be anti-White the dichotomy does not work

Again I’ll ask, this time not rhetorically, who would be the colonisers/indigenous people of Czechland?

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy lmao you think Indigeniety is anti-White by definition? Did you miss the part where Europe has its own Indigenous communities whose culture is also currently being eradicated?

Once again you guys don't understand how indigeniety works, it isn't through blood quantum. It's about being claimed by a community and having ties to the land. It isn't hard. Czech people consider themselves pre-slavic and non Germanic. It's almost as if they have their own recognized culture and origins.

@teratology @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy You’re speaking in riddles exactly because it would be inconvenient to state that Whites have a homeland, that we’re equal in any way to everyone else

@frost @LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy nobody is saying you don't have a homeland LMAO

But European Indigenous groups are certainly not going to claim most of you since they have an entirely different experience. You're speaking as if Indigenous groups in Europe, like all groups, don't have their own respective cultures and practices, their own ties to specific land. Probably because you think of Indigenous people to "America" in the same way, you think they all believe the same things and all claim to be from the same place. Well yeah, that's not how it works at all.

You think the Indigenous culture of France hasn't been under attack? Speak to Indigenous people from Europe and see exactly how they feel about you all.
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