alright guys, let's see just how privileged fedi actually is

(where it says canadian citizen, just pretend it's a citizen of your country)

it would appear that i am, unfortunately, mostly privileged. damn. soooo close to being somewhat marginalized.

Colonizers/indigenous doesn't even make sense in European context :cry_konata:

I love, how they pretend on this chart, that:
1) Autism is actually something progresives care about. Meanwhile, I literally compare talking to a progressive while autistic to "walking while black".
2) That being a colonizer is somehow better then being indigenous. Meanwhile, in here, being indigenous literally means being part of 98% majority
3) That being woman is somehow in the un-priviledged group :omegalul:

It's just so retarded...


@LukeAlmighty my favorite is that you are apparently more privileged if you're gay than if you're bisexual. like how tf does that make any sense? xD

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty because you still like the opp sex, and even amongst homos male homos are more valuable than female homos, but troons beat them all. Something about buttsex is a better trait than gashsex for them

@kf01 @LukeAlmighty i think you're reading the graph wrong? bisexuals are listed as being less privileged than gays. but if you're bi, you still like the opposite sex so that SHOULD make you more privileged, right? xD

these people make NO fucking sense lol

@beardalaxy @kf01
Same goes for non-binary. Especially, when contrary to all troons, being non-binary just means, that you want to feel special.

@beardalaxy @kf01
I don't have to be expert to see, that troons get a TON of hate. But when I see a bitch, and she says, that she's non-binary, all I think of is: "oh... so an average woman IQ."

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty ah well thats easy to explain. You see bisexagays are just fewer in number (most of them are just pure homo that say theyre bi) so in these losers worldview theyre less privileged. However when it comes down to the brass tacks on their side of the camp gays are more “valued”

Oh :omegalul:
I have never looked deeper into this, but yes, that's absolutely retarded logic that only leftoids could come up with.

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