Colonizers/indigenous doesn't even make sense in European context
I love, how they pretend on this chart, that:
1) Autism is actually something progresives care about. Meanwhile, I literally compare talking to a progressive while autistic to "walking while black".
2) That being a colonizer is somehow better then being indigenous. Meanwhile, in here, being indigenous literally means being part of 98% majority
3) That being woman is somehow in the un-priviledged group
It's just so retarded...
@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
> And non-visibly
Autism is literally a definitional mess, where some experts say, I am retarded beyond fixing, and other say: "Oh, he's slightly weird".
Well, fuck it, how am I supposed to anwser that one :D
@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
If you speak the official language AND you're fluent in a second one, that I think is the core.
@Jens_Rasmussen @beardalaxy
That's so retarded. Well, in here, I have literally never seen a document, that wasn't Czech or English, so I see no reason to lower my score.
I believe the question is meant to put Quebecans, who are both native with French and English, one step lower on the totem pole.