
Honestly I don't think they were any really good game of the year contenders but I think astrobot is good enough.

Honestly if most game devs put a lot more effort into they could have easily swept this game of the year there weren't any hard-hitting competition.

@Mr_NutterButter yeah nothing that came out this year was particularly earth shattering. Even Wukong was just "good" from what I hear. They probably had to add the DLC category to actually give a game that deserved it goty lmao.

@beardalaxy the funny thing is the Muppets joke segment with probably the most based thing I ever seen in my entire life.

You can tell that they struck a nerve with Keely because he stood there so awkwardly and look like he was about to cry.

But yeah everything this year was pretty mid like nothing outstanding or groundbreaking for a genre just simply just averagely good in comparison to everything else.

@Mr_NutterButter I didn't actually watch it lol, I'll have to check that out

@beardalaxy @Mr_NutterButter I very much enjoyed Unicorn Overlord. We have not had an Ogre Battle 64 like game since, well, Ogre Battle 64. The art is good too and I like how they handle the tactical gameplay with only a few exceptions.

@Jens_Rasmussen @Mr_NutterButter yeah there have been a lot of niche games that are really good. I know people liked balatro a lot. Shotgun Roulette was pretty cool, too. These things kind of just can't be goty contenders though.

My personal favorite game I've played this year is ff16 but that's been out on ps5 for a while now so it doesn't really count.

@Dan_Ramos I'm just going to say the unpopular opinion, but no man's sky should have won the community support award.

@Mr_NutterButter I honestly hope that Astrobot showed that those types of games still have a place outside of indie and Nintendo.

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