@vriska when i was a kid there were only three phases of matter
@vriska @Moon Arguably the "gender" part is more of a sociology/anthropology/psychology thing than biology. Would've been a better equivalency with the others if it had sex chromosome exceptions or something

@moth_ball @Moon the amount of people who are culture war obsessed who claim that intersex conditions and chromosome variations "aren't real" in one way or another is way too high, def see your point though

@vriska @moth_ball @Moon Literally nobody argues that (hopefully, internet always surprises).
They are usually arguing that intersex is a developmental conditions, not a new sex or some spectrum.

@matrix @moth_ball @Moon I am intersex and people have told me to my face that my medical condition isn't real

@vriska @matrix @moth_ball @Moon
Statistically inpropable, that you just happen to be one, while arguing about it...

But yeah, in the insignificant chance that you're not lying, I get you. That has to suck a lot.

But can you blame them after the huge vomit of bunnygenders etc?

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