@featherFag @matrix @sjw
What makes you think I know anything about furries to recognize that name?

@alyx @featherFag @matrix Don't feel bad. I don't recognise the name either. Could be a genre for all I know :meru_shrug:

@sjw @alyx @featherFag @matrix Kemono is basically the Japanese equivalent of the term "furry", but refers to a specific artstyle. They tend to have a more animalistic build than Western furshit, and overall a much cuter and anime artstyle. Unlike Western furries, their faces have more humanoid features and proportions. Kemono actually looks cute and sexy, whereas Western furry looks like someone decapitated a dog, glued its head to a human body, then dunked the whole thing in neon paint

@sjw @featherFag @matrix
Close, but the face ruins it for me. In the first one it looks like she's planning to eat me. And not in the good way.

@sjw This is what a circumcision on a canid would look like.
@alyx @featherFag @matrix
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