
age gap rant 

mmm just got a nice dose of NPCs thinking that 6 year age gaps between consenting adults is weird. "mmm so that frontal lobe isn't even fully developed yet huh?" okay dumbass how about we cut out anyone below 25 from the voting pool then huh? just make the age of consent hardline at 25. see how well that blows over.

the best one was this: "I’m 27 and have zero in common with a 19 or 20 year old. Why would anyone over 25 consider even entertaining the idea of talking to an 18 year old."

i'm 28 and have friends who are just out of high school this year. i have more in common with them than some people my age. my younger sister is 20 and i've got a lot in common with her even disregarding her being my sibling. it's almost like how long you've been on the earth isn't totally correlated to how much in common you have with someone else. i was friends with people 8-10 years older than me when i was 20 too. why? because they were cool and we had shared interests. hell, idk if he necessarily considered me a "friend" or not, but my second cousin growing up was about 10 years older than me, autistic guy, really cool, and i always wanted to go hang out with him.

i think these people are just extremely antisocial and full of brainrot. it's one big skill issue. i'd rather hang out with a 16 year old who is into anime and video games than someone who is my age that can be described in no other way than "sex clown."

it's also a little bit alarming, as if some of these people might not want to hang out with anyone younger than them because they're afraid they'll control them or do something worse. i've actually really enjoyed being a friend to people in high school, because it's a rough time and it was always good to give them a positive image of someone who made it through that rough time and is willing to extend a hand. people who think in the opposite way might be a bit twisted.

i think there is also this aspect of "i'm older and therefore wiser and i never make mistakes, people younger than me are stupid though so i shall not talk to them!" as if i never do anything dumb. it's a lot easier to see fault in others than in yourself. yes, there can be a lack of experience/maturity than can lead to dumb decisions, of course, but a whole slew of other things can too. there's this little thing called a MID-LIFE CRISIS for a reason. people do stupid shit all the time. as a self-proclaimed "fully developed" 27 year old, how the fuck are you not cognizant enough of the world around you and life in general to not realize that?

braindead fucking NPCs dude.

age gap rant 

@beardalaxy mfw schools create some brain worm that people "should be with their age" even though there's no evidence of that and mixed school rooms did fine.

age gap rant 

@icedquinn some motherfuckers never grew beyond "why are you talking to that sevvie?" and it shows.

age gap rant 

@beardalaxy i dunno where sevvie went. i think she lives on someone else's instance now.

age gap rant 

@icedquinn i don't think i know who that is lol, i meant "sevvie" as slang for seventh grader. in 9th grade if you talked or interacted with 7th graders (sevvies) you were considered a weirdo.

age gap rant 

@icedquinn because you were so much cooler and had so much more wisdom and knowledge.

Simple logic:
If your brain power at 27 is 100%, and you need all 100% to make decision, do you lose this ability at 30, when you're back at 95%?

Nah, I've noticed the same issue, and it is rooted in the modern concepualization of adulthood. In most of history and for me still intuitive concept is, that when you hit puberty, you gain right to accept more responsibilities. You start asserting yourself, and with that comes the adulthood.

But, these people are missing the "now, I own my life" switch, and keep waiting for it sometimes up to 35 years. And when they FINALLY hit that point, that is what they consider the adulthood age.

@LukeAlmighty and for a lot of them, they realize that it is way too late.

age gap rant 

@beardalaxy People like that... I really think they must have done something fucked up or not done anything at all when they were a teen or young 20's, and that made them feel bitter about relationships, romantic or friendly, and feel the need to try to project and police everyone on that kind of thing. Maybe they can't make ANY friends.

Living on campus in uni at 30 really changed my perception of zoomers. The "fully developed brain at 25" shit can't be right. All my friends were 10 years younger than me and the smartest and most motivated people I've met. I think it'd be a bit demeaning for me to, at 30, look at those college age ADULTS and believe they can't think for themselves and make their own decisions when it comes to relationships or anything.

age gap rant 

@arc dude, heavy agree. I think they do it a little bit out of spite sometimes lol. In regards to zoomers/alphas being motivated. Half the younger people at work graduated high school early because they were tired of the fakeness and bullshit. They see their peers fucking killing themselves and all the school board does is run an "anti-suicide assembly" then continue on as normal. That's been a huge problem since I graduated, it's very dystopian. That's the most extreme example, but there are things like that which just exist everywhere, lots of hypocrisy and pretending to care and I think a lot of them reject it and then they have to actively work on making things better for themselves.

Bit of a tangent, but that's what I've seen. And that's why I relate to them a lot, because although people around my age have a lot of depression issues too, it seems to just seep in and nothing gets done about it. I had to actively break out of it and I've got massive respect for the young people who do it, and for those struggling with it I'm always there to try and extend an olive branch.

@arc @beardalaxy
Well, it's the easiest excuse you can get, when you look back 10+ years, and realize, that all you did was whore yourself out and drink.

Yes, I did go to the Uni with a purpose of getting a job, but the worst pill for me was, when I started asking the "obvious" question of: What do you want to do once you're done studying.

There were feminazis, who took it as an insult... Obviously :pepelol: But worse were people who "still haven't decided". Bitch, you were supposed to make this choice before high school. Now is beyond too late.

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