looking at rpg architect right now... man, this might be the one i go with guys. it's rpg maker on steroids. i wish it was around when i started working on god's disdain because it would have made so many things i wanted to do but didn't have enough time/willpower incredibly easy, and things i did even easier.

it does have 3d support too. i don't think i'm going to go all-in on 3d, but having 3d environments with 2d sprites i think is a good compromise there.

the engine does cost $50, but once you own it that's it, free updates and everything.

i was also looking at rpg in a box, with their voxel based stuff and the new low-poly model they are releasing at some point in the future. that looks super intriguing too, definitely would be a lot more work and a steeper learning curve but i think it would still be easier than godot.

at the moment, those are the two i'm keeping an eye on.

@Tadano @beardalaxy Probably not. I don't see a link to a repo anywhere.

@Tadano @xianc78 it's not foss, no. Developed by one guy who is doing a really good job though. I'm not the kind of person who is willing to use something foss over a paid alternative if it doesn't do the thing I want it to better.

@beardalaxy @Tadano I think it's a good idea to prefer FOSS tools over proprietary tools even if you don't plan on making open-source games. Just look at the ridiculous license restrictions when it comes to using something like Unity or Unreal. You are at the mercy of what their EULAs dictate unless you want to get sued. You also have these engines embedding telemetry into your game and there is nothing you can do about it unless you are really good at reverse engineering.


@xianc78 @Tadano yeah that does factor into things. Architect is just a buy once and you're good thing though. "free" stuff is never really free unless it's foss, but paid software like this that doesn't rely on a subscription model is usually fine.

@beardalaxy @Tadano Buy once vs subscription model doesn't matter. They can still change the EULA or add anti-features at any time.

I think it's fine now, but it's something to look out for. Though given the size of the time, it's possible that they might open-source it later on and instead receive funding through the Patreon/Liberapay model.

@xianc78 @Tadano good news is you can always use an earlier version if that happens. Only downside there is if a platform decides to reject games unless it is from a newer version, like Nintendo does with Switch. That's what prevented ballisticng from getting a Switch port.

RPG Maker has never had any issues like this though, and Architect is made by one dude who just wants to make a better RPG Maker. It's always a possibility but I think it'll be fine.

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