@tomie this one isn't even a copyright issue, it's a fucking PATENT issue which is even worse. it is ridiculous that companies can patent game mechanics and then nobody else can use them, like that fucking namco loading screen minigame thing.

@beardalaxy @tomie Yeah I thought this was already a settled thing, like wasn't there a Mario ripoff that Nintendo sued for and the courts said you can't copyright gameplay mechanics, therefore anyone can make a platformer? I guess the patent is just another level deeper and Nintendo is feeling like it's time to try again...


@arc @tomie i've never heard of that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

apparently the patent that they filed for pokemon catching mechanics was filed AFTER palworld came out too, so who knows what's going on there. the palworld devs don't even know what patent their being sued over though, we're just assuming. wild.

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