So is someone gonna say it or do I have to be *that* designated asshole, too, and lose the only connections I got left on this network?

@r000t @matrix
block button, the most powerful feature on the fedi, and would hide your mentiomes clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

Well it was nice knowing everyone! 

I think the crowd that will justify any action because "the pedophiles" has an awful lot of pedophiles.

And I think the anime girl shit is pedo as fuck. I always have. A lot of it doesn't even use the 1000-year-old-diety wrapper. Like some of them are straight up "These are middle school girls! They're idols! And they'll stop being idols the nanosecond they're legal!"

Y'all woukd unironically fuck a cel-shaded 13 year old girl, don't act like this would stop being the case if we added a dimension and removed the shading.

Well it was nice knowing everyone! 

@r000t @matrix of course, saying "the kids" (talking about pedos basically is the same thing) do you really think someone is going to say no?
even the pedos wouldn't out themselves that way

and yeah, there's such a weird culture around it, the "pureness" of those characters is basically everything and they being blatantly minors enhances that fantasy

and of course there's a distinction between fantasy and reality, I don't think that most Otakus that publicly say that they like lolis and such would go beyond that
but it greatly increases the probabilities of developing the fetish and gives a path towards more real stuff (just look at pawoo lol)
so it's worrying at least

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