@matrix Modern smoke alarms really should be a voice prompt. Harder to ignore than a single chirp.

Then again, modern units also have 10 year built-in batteries.

@VD15 @matrix I'd sure love a notification if my house was on fire

@r000t @matrix Sure, but would you love weekly offers and newsletters from their parent company? What are you gonna do? Mute the app and let your house burns down?

@VD15 @matrix Channels. If they don't separate those notifications into channels, they're in violation of app store policies and would not be capable of publishing the app.

@r000t @VD15 @matrix you know they'd do it anyway
>hi welcome to nigger alarm
>sign in with facebook or google to continue
>please grant the app permissions for precise location, access to photos, camera and microphone, and your contacts
>error: you must accept our third party data sharing policy to continue
>your app has been updated to version 3.23.1233245345.42069.1488.1! check out our exciting new features and also we've reset all notification settings to defaults
>new notification: check out our rainbow themed smoke detectors for buttsex month!

It's seriously ugly moment you realize just how much pointless noise we live in.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix Normal people don't live with the beeping of a smoke detector that needs a change of batteries.

@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix
My fucking washing machine beeps 18 times, before it stops.

I hear the first beep, but I don't always have time to run to it immediately. So, why the fuck would they make it beep full volume 18 fucking times?

@LukeAlmighty @matrix Sounds stupid, yeah.
I'm not even close to my washing machine when it washes, so I just set a timer on my phone.
@matrix @matrix In my apartment the smoke detectors are wired into mains and have a Li-ion battery backup to keep them powered for at least a few weeks without power. That's the way to do it.

In my last apartment the smoke detectors didn't have carbon monoxide detectors so I put my own up. The batteries lasted for years but eventually it started chirping. It took me a little while to figure out what was causing the noise but when I did I replaced the batteries right then.

@sjw Yep, that's how it should be.
I remember though a video dissecting some mains connected detector and it had a huge vampire load.

@matrix @matrix interesting
Still, even if it's battery only, just change the batteries as soon as it starts chirping. It won't even take 3 minutes.

Well sometimes you don't have spare ones, but it's not like the batteries are hard to buy.

@matrix @sjw Mine started chirping and I couldn't figure out how to open it. Tard raged it with a hammer to make it be quiet.

@matrix @matrix The ones that use a 9v are a pain but most of the newer ones these days take 2 AA batteries.
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