I haven't played any of them but TOTK seems to be the GOTY

Alan Wake 2 had the coolest design choices from what I watched (excluding the diversity hire)

Dredge looks cool even if it's one of those cringly inspired by Lovecraft games

Aren't these all PS VR games?
Resindet Evil in VR seems fun

Dead Island 2 is more of a Dead Island so I'm going with that

Ironmouse, because Quakity is cringe and People Make Games are fucking commies and I don't the others

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@matrix i have literally never seen any of these games

>not gravity circuit
what a fucking joke
@rlier23 @matrix The Game Awards is one of the worst things to ever happen to video games.
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@matrix Like a dragon will probably be good, just play it with JP voices.

Mario, clear choice.
Castlevania.... tried.

But that shit is all trash anyway. This is the retard Olympics medal at best.

How much of an adaptation is Gran Turismo when it’s about an actual person’s life and not really the game itself?

@matrix gran turismo was awesome, last of us or Mario will probably win

@matrix Mario by miles
<Mass shooter Rayman not nominated
Thank God

@matrix next you’ll tell us that Dark Souls is an rpg :ablobheadshake:

@Jens_Rasmussen @matrix if I ask someone for an rpg and they recommend me Dark Souls, Lies of P, etc, instead of something like Octopath Traveler or Xenoblade Chronicles I will cut their thumbs off on the spot. Action RPGs and Actual RPGs are entirely different, and need their own categories.

@RehnSturm256 @matrix Action RPGs might rely less on the RPG aspect than more "pure" RPGs, but they are still RPGs.
@matrix PIZZA TOWER WOOO. I knew this wouldnt get into best indie since its not by a major dev since the best indie catagory is littered with established devs, publishers, and subsidiaries of major devs
@matrix if the game was any good it would win in one of the other categories.
@matrix i would vote for volvano high only because it indirectly birthed snoot game
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