
How long do chips last? I'm thinking of ordering a ton of them into reserve in case they stop making the flavors

· Edited · · Fedilab · 3 · 0 · 3

I wish they sold the tiny bags of chips here as they sell them in the UK

@matrix depends if there's oxygen in the bag or not. If there is, probably a few weeks. If it's just nitrogen in the bag probably half a year.

I mean unopened. I tested it if opened and yeah it's about a week if you wrap them properly

@matrix @coldacid it depends on the packaging. If they are in the mylar bags they last a decent amount of time
@matrix yeah I meant unopened.

Here, the bags even have an expiry/BB date printed on them

Expiry dates are conservative estimates on how long the food is going to be safe for consumption. Foods that are sealed generally last well past the expiry date.
I'm interested if anyone has experience how long they retain flavor and crisp

@matrix @coldacid Literally all depends on whether the packaging stays intact. Most crisp packets in the UK are filled with nitrogen so the crisps don't go stale. If the seal breaks, it's fucked. You can usually tell by whether the packet feels deflated or not.

@VD15 @coldacid

Yeah, I'm assuming the bag stays intact just laying in a box with the other bags. I'm asking to figure out if it makes sense to buy like 60 and slowly eat them over the span of a year+.

@matrix @VD15 @coldacid I think it does, but I wouldn't keep them for more than a year

@matrix @coldacid a lot of those expiry dates are actually best-by dates, meaning that if you eat a box of macaroni that's a year out of date, it will probably taste a little funny, the noodles will taste like the cardboard box, but it won't kill you.
@Grandtheftautism @coldacid @matrix one thing I've noticed is that with generic milk the sell by date is pretty much the expiration date. However with name brand milk it'll still smell and taste fine a week from the sell by date.
@matrix that'd probably be fine for up to a year but I could see it maybe starting to taste a bit off.

Likely varies from brand to brand and the recipe/oil used.

6 months to a year depending on brand is what I say
@matrix as long as they aren't opened they'll be safe to eat indefinitely. They'll taste stale but they won't be dangerous.
@Jazzy_Butts @matrix they would taste completely different if freezer dried

@sjw @matrix I've had freeze dried ice cream before, it tasted different but still good, I think the drier something already is the less of a difference it makes

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