@Aldo2 @matrix The more puritanical and sacred sex is the greater the social trauma and shame (even if the individual had a positive experience they know about the taboo unless they're retarded and that's where the harm is done, socially, social shame, the feeling of "dirtyness" both "sluts" and victims feel is the shame they have received from society, societies shame messaging.). Of course it can go bad in the other direction too, forced sex orgies as part of a childs school learning (like in the book Brave New World) in much the very same way we as a society force children to go to school or to experience any number of things that they found to be traumatizing yet were completely legal to do or even nonsexual. A fine line must be walked and we in the US mainline are most definitely too puritan still. The FOLK america is not though I don't believe, folk culture is grandma and grandpa who got married when she was 15 with a 15 year age difference, commen sense folk still exist who know love is love and abuse is abuse and just because two people are close or far in age doesn't mean they can't get along or fall in love, some people just say so but that doesn't make it true. There are many kinds of relationships. Imagine the shame in the adult life of a little girl who had her first orgasm bouncing on pappys knee, and he never even knew it, now imagine she seeks therapy for that shame, and now imagine the therapist implants false memories that pappy intentionally did that the sly old dog, and now her perception of pappy has been permanently fucked, she has lost a light in the darkness, she has lost a hero, all because of other people's bullshit.
I was going to write a comment, but then I typed in "teenage girls wearing short-shorts" on Google images and now I'm drooling on my laptop and I've forgotten what I was going to write...
......Damn you, penis!
Why me?!?!?!?!!
@matrix of course, I'm not saying that all children can consent, or that I want AOC abolished or whatever.
I'm just arguing for a more nuanced understanding on the issue and child sexuality in general, rather than just hyper-emotional responses from either side.
If there isn't that nuance, then you're leaving the door open to the loonies or the puritan prudes to run the asylum.
I know it's something that only "MAPs" talk about, but I've been reading some medical studies where the same point is made:
The more we obsess about "protecting the children" (or "protecting minors" to relate the point to the case in the OP) and restricting their behavior, the more we inadvertedly push them into dangerous situations.